The Cyber Crime police of Ahmedabad police arrested two people for making a morphed picture of a complainant who had taken a loan through a mobile application and failed to repay it.
The accused were identified as Vijaykumar Kumbhar 38, a resident of Pune and Gauravsingh Madneshsingh of Noida. The two are native of UP.
Police recovered four mobile phones and two laptops that the accused used to morph the complainant’s picture and make it viral on WhatsApp.
The complainant had borrowed loans through Made in China mobile applications that are supplied to cyber thugs in North India. When the complainant could not repay the loan within the stipulated time, the accused called him on WhatsApp and threatened to morph his pictures and make them viral if he failed to return the money.
The complainant repaid the loans, the accused and their associates made a morphed nude picture of the complainant. They used the picture he had given at the time of verification and sent it through WhatsApp to several of the complainant’s relatives.