The Gujarat Police Issued notices To 14 Nursing Students in alleged to be involved in the paper-writing scam. police also also recorded statements of at least 15 employees of GU whose names find mention in the FIR.
Four days after the Gujarat University lodged an official police complaint in the alleged missing answersheets of 14 BSc Nursing students, the Gujarat University police have finally rolled out the investigation.
The students have been summoned to the police station for their statement. police have also seized phones of some of the GU employees and have sent them for a forensic examination.
28 answersheets of as many as 14 fourth year students of Bachelor of Science (BSc), Nursing went missing from the control as well as assessment room at Botany department of GU on July 10.
Youth Congress and NSUI then claimed to have conducted sting operations that made an expose of 14 students being allowed to take the unwritten answersheets home after the exam, allowing them to complete the paper overnight and submit the answer sheets back on the next day before 7am.
Following the missing answer-sheets, GU registered a police complaint on Wednesday naming examination coordinators, drivers and others involved in the examination duty and security.