The Indian Railways has revised the schedule of the Mumbai Central – Gandhinagar capital Shatabdi Express in a recently issued circular. According to reports, the new schedule will take effect on March 2 and will change the departure and arrival times of the 12009 and 12010 Shatabdi trains between Mumbai and Gandhinagar. Check out the new timings here to avoid any missed opportunities:
Train no 12009 running from Mumbai Central – Gandhinagar Capital Shatabdi Express will reach Ahmedabad at 12:25 PM. After a 5-minute halt, the train will leave for Gandhinagar, terminating there at 1:25 PM.
The return journey will be pulled through Train no 12010 which will depart from Gandhinagar at 2:05 PM to reach Ahmedabad at 2:50 PM. The run to Mumbai will begin, after a brief stop in Ahmedabad at 3:05 PM.
However, as per the notification from the Western Railway Zone, there will be no change in timings of arrival as well as the departure of Train Number 12009 and 12010 Mumbai Central – Gandhinagar Capital Shatabdi Express service at Mumbai Central railway station.
The schedule change has been likely moved to make space for operating the Mumbai-Ahmedabad Tejas Express. The new timings will almost certainly result in the commissioning of more services on tracks for the benefit of passengers. Increased rail services will also make it easier for travellers to get around during the upcoming holiday season.