CAT 2021 was successfully conducted at 438 test centres spread across 156 cities in India on 28 November 2021 in three shifts.
The duration of the test was of 120 minutes (160 minutes For PwD Candidates). The time allotted for each Section is 40 minutes (53 minutes and 20 seconds for PwD Candidates).
The following table represent section-wise breakup of number of questions(CAT)

Around 1.92 lakh candidates appeared for the exam out of 2.30 lakhs registered eligible candidates. The overall attendance was approximately 83%.

Out of the 1.92 lakh candidates taken the exam, 35% were Females, 65% Males and 2 candidates represent Transgender.
CAT centre and its delivery partner Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Limited had taken measures to ensure implementation of Covid-19 advisory of the Government of India and State Governments on social distancing and other preventive/protective measures at the examination centres.