Pulkit Primary School, located in Sabarmati, will cease operations at its current location after a long-standing lease agreement with the government expired. The school was managed by the Jasmin Education Trust, which entered into a lease agreement with the government in 1992 for a 15-year period until 2007. Despite multiple requests from the trust, the government did not renew the lease agreement, leading to the closure of the school.
In 2023, the government took possession of all assets belonging to the Jasmin Education Trust, including the school building, as a result of ending the lease agreement. In light of this, the government also took over Pulkit Primary School.
In 2023, the government took possession of all assets belonging to the Jasmin Education Trust, including the school building, as a result of ending the lease agreement. In light of this, the government also took over Pulkit Primary School.
The school will no longer be able to continue operations at its current site. To ensure no disruption for students, all classes will be shut down and the students will be transferred to nearby schools to continue their studies.