Gujarat is witnessing a significant surge in sudden heart related cases. The EMRI ‘108’ emergency services data states that a staggering 47,180 heart-related cases were reported in the seven months from January to July this year. This translates to an average of 223 cases per day or 9 cases per hour.
Compared to the previous year, when 40,258 heart-related cases were recorded, this year has seen an increase of over 17%. The month of July alone witnessed a 10% increase in heart-related cases compared to June.
Ahmedabad has reported the highest number of heart-related issues in the last seven months, with 13,906 individuals affected. This translates to an average of 66 heart cases per day in the city. Compared to the previous year, Ahmedabad has also seen an increase of over 10%.
Surat ranks second and Vadodara third in terms of the number of heart cases.
Doctors have highlighted common symptoms of heart disease, including chest tightness, excessive sweating, increased or irregular heartbeat, difficulty breathing, dizziness, blurred vision, weakness, acidity-like symptoms, back pain, jaw pain, and a heavy feeling in the arms.
Anyone experiencing these symptoms should seek immediate medical attention.