The Ayodhya Ram Mandir is going to be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on January 24, 2023. The construction of the Ram Mandir has been going on for more than two years and the expected inauguration date for the Ram Mandir was also January 2024, now an inauguration date has been announced by sources. The Prime Minister, along with other important ministers will be present for this grand inauguration slated to take place in Ayodhya next year.
The inauguration date for the Ayodhya Ram Mandir has not been announced officially but according to a report, the inauguration is supposed to happen on January 22, 2024. Religious ceremonies (pooja) will begin a week before the inauguration; the ground floor and the underground area of the temple have been completely constructed.
The Pranpratistha (consecration ceremony) of the Ram Lalla in the temple between January 21-24 next year, subject to PM Modi’s availability. The trust member also quoted, “We have been told that auspicious time will start from January 14 and ‘shubh mahurat’ is anytime between January 15 to 24. As the Pranpratistha pooja takes days, the pooja will start from January 14 and the Prime Minister will confirm his availability for the final day.”
According to the media report, the trust had initially planned to invite about twenty five thousand Hindu religious leaders of 136 ‘Sanatan’ traditions for the ceremony; ten thousand people are expected to be in the temple while the number of pilgrims on that day may cross millions. It was also said that the Ram Mandir Trust will be feeding about one lakh saints and devotees each and every day, for a month before the inauguration.