With the onset of monsoon, water-borne and mosquito-borne diseases have increased in Ahmedabad. 11 cases of dengue and 42 cases of simple malaria have been reported in the month of June. 1 case of toxic malaria and 2 cases of chikungunya have been reported. While 607 cases of diarrhea vomiting and 107 cases of jaundice have been reported. There have been 238 cases of typhoid. 80 water samples taken during the current month have failed.
The Amc health department has been running about it and action is being taken against those who are negligent regarding the breeding of mosquitoes.
A major decision has been taken by AMC to prevent the spread of mosquito-borne disease among young children. According to which the schools have to submit a report about the mosquito-borne epidemic in the educational complex. The nodal officers of that complex will have to give a weekly performance report to the AMC. Photographs of cleaning and work done in schools throughout the week should be sent and special care should be taken in open grounds, water tanks and toilets.