The Vadodara Airport in Gujarat is enthusiastically working on the infrastructure and framework to allow international air connectivity. Ranjan Bhatt, a Lok Sabha Member from Vadodara, announced the good news on Twitter. She stated that the airport had received permission to begin international services. Union Home Minister Amit Shah, during his two-day visit to Gujarat, handed the gazette notification for establishing the customs and immigration facilities at the city’s airport. These are expected to be operational soon.
Bhatt announced the news on the microblogging site by posting images of the gazette notification. She expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, and the Home Minister for the establishment of the two facilities at Vadodara Airport.
Bhatt saying that since the airport “already has the necessary space and infrastructure like the conveyor belts, space for setting up immigration and customs facilities, starting the new facilities will not be an issue now,” she said.
The MP also stated that she has been pursuing the proposal to start flights from Vadodara airport to Gulf countries with the civil aviation ministry for several years. The first international flights will go to places like Dubai and Sharjah. This is due to the fact that airline connectivity to those locations will not necessitate extending the runway. For direct flights to destinations like that in the United States, extending the existing runway at Vadodara Airport will be a prerequisite.
Bhatt revealed that the Union Home Ministry sent a letter to Gujarat government and the Airports Authority of India (AAI) on February 18. Following this, an inspection team came to assess the facilities available at Vadodara airport.
“I am happy that we have finally received the official notification,” she said.
The demand for air connectivity to international destinations from Vadodara had been on the rise since the inauguration of the integrated new terminal here in 2016. The terminal was built over an area of 17,500 square metres and has been designed to handle 700 passengers, including international fliers, per hour. It features 18 check-in counters.