Guarding India’s border with neighbouring Pakistan has been difficult since 1971, despite there being no gunfire, according to a Border Security Force (BSF) official in Gujarat’s Kutch. An official informed this correspondent that the Union government would soon erect smart fencing on the India-Pakistan border, spanning 13 km in the Kutch district, to detect illegal infiltration, the smuggling of contraband goods, human trafficking, and cross-border terrorism. The proposal had already been sent for this.
The official also added that the smart fencing will be set up in phases, with priority given to existing damaged ones. Speaking about the technology of smart fencing, he pointed out that with the installation of smart fencing, manpower, sensors, networks, intelligence, and command and control solutions would be integrated to improve situational awareness at many levels of the hierarchy.
Smart fencing allows for quick and informed decision-making as well as quick response to emerging situations. Along with surveillance technology, an intruder alarm system based on lasers is installed. There are no residential homes within 60 kilometres of the Kutch border because most of the region is desert and residents are not permitted there. However, the official claimed that Pakistan is encouraging people to enter its border region from a 3-kilometer radius.
In addition, BSF soldiers have been patrolling the borders around the clock. At the same time, Pakistan did not construct such fences.BSF would not cause any unfavourable incidents. But, as Pakistan has been using its fishermen, and civilians, against India, it was necessary to strengthen our borders by erecting smart fencing.