The Election Commission stated on Friday that seizures of money, liquor, medication, valuable metals, and other freebies ahead of the Gujarat Assembly elections had already reached record levels, with the Directorate of Income Intelligence detecting smuggling of toys and equipment worth Rs 64 crore at Mundra port.
In Gujarat, the place polls are scheduled on December 1 and December 5, the EC stated the seizures had already reached Rs 71.88 crore inside days of the announcement of polls. In 2017, the whole seizures have been of Rs 27.21 crore, the EC stated.
“Although these are early days after the polls have been introduced within the state of Gujarat, but exercise by police has led to seizure of round 1.10 lakh litres of liquor valued at Rs 3.86 crore. DRI additionally reported large seizure amounting to Rs 64 crore of toys and equipment which have been being smuggled by the use of mis-declaration and by resorting to concealment in import cargo at Mundra Port. Two individuals together with the mastermind have been arrested within the case and additional investigation is beneath progress,” an EC assertion stated.
Seizures of freebies ahead of Saturday’s Assembly elections in Himachal Pradesh, according to the EC, have increased fivefold since 2017.
Himachal Pradesh authorities made seizures totaling Rs 50.28 crore, of which Rs 17.18 crore was in cash. Liquor worth Rs 17.50 crore or 9.72 lakh litres, medication worth Rs 1.20 crore, valuable metals worth Rs 13.99 crore, and other freebies worth Rs 41 lakh were also seized in the hill state. During the 2017 elections, authorities made seizures totaling Rs 9.03 crore.