As the world prepares strategies to overcome yet another deadly COVID variant, Omicron, which is rapidly spreading around the globe, a cryptocurrency has risen to new heights.
As word spread about the virus’s new heavily mutated variant, Omicron, a Cryptocurrency with the same name, reached its highest value. Since the World Health Organisation gave a new COVID variant the same name, a little-known coin in the crypto space has risen by 900 percent to $689 (nearly Rs 52,000) on November 30. (WHO).
The coin was trading around $65 on November 27. (roughly Rs 4,900).
While the rest of the market was hit by concerns about a possible spike in cases of the new variant ‘omicron coin,’ the number of cases of the new variant ‘omicron coin’ reached an all-time high.
On November 26, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated the new COVID-19 variant from South Africa as Omicron. The official website of the Omicron coin describes it as a “decentralised treasury-backed currency protocol.”