Many people think summer means drinking lots of water. Some even gulp down a liter or a liter and a half after being in the sun.
Doctors warn that drinking like this won’t quench your thirst and could cause problems. So, how much water should you drink in the summer? What’s the best way to drink it for your health? Let’s dive into the details.
It’s super important to stay hydrated in the summer. That means having enough water in your body. Usually, it’s good for a person to drink 3-4 liters of water a day. But it depends on age, weight, what you do, and the weather.
How much water should each person drink?
Regular folks should drink 3 to 4 liters of water a day. That’s how much women at home and people who don’t work too hard should drink.
Students, people who go to work, and those who work in AC rooms should drink 2.5 to 3 liters of water a day.
People who are out and about a lot, like laborers working in the sun, should drink 4 to 5 liters of water a day.
People with health problems like kidney, heart, or sugar issues should ask their doctor how much water they need to drink.
The right way to drink water
Always drink water little by little. That’s why when we go to someone’s house, they first give us a glass of water to drink. That’s it… it’s always good to drink a glass of water. The body uses that water properly. Drinking too much water at once can cause problems for the body.
You shouldn’t drink sugary drinks or sodas whenever you want. You definitely shouldn’t drink them when you’re thirsty. Because they’re not good for water. Plus, drinking them can cause dehydration.
It’s good to drink lukewarm water or water at room temperature. This prevents health problems. Drinking very cold water can cause digestive problems.
If the weather is hot, you should drink more water. It’s also important to drink more water when you sweat a lot. But don’t drink it all at once.
It’s not good to drink more than a liter of water at once just because it’s summer and the temperature is high. Even if you drink a lot of water because you’re very thirsty, your body will only use what it needs. The rest will be excreted through urine.
If you drink too much water at once in the summer…
Drinking a liter or a liter and a half of water at once can cause a problem called hyponatremia. This means the water becomes toxic (Water Intoxication). It lowers the sodium level in the blood. This causes health problems like body tremors and headaches. Doctors warn that drinking too much water can sometimes lead to a coma.
If you absolutely have to go out in the sun, drink some water beforehand. It’s important to keep your body hydrated.
If you’re working outside in the sun, drink electrolyte water in between. It’s good to drink coconut water and lemonade.
Don’t forget to drink water on time in the summer. And drink it little by little. It’s good to set an alarm to drink water. This way you won’t forget.