As of January 31, 2025, a total of 57 lions have died due to accidents (unnatural causes), while 228 natural deaths have occurred in the state over the last two years, the Minister of Forest and Environment informed the Gujarat Assembly today.
To prevent deaths caused by accidents, the government has implemented the following measures:
- A veterinary officer has been appointed for the immediate treatment of lions and other wild animals in case of illness or injury, and a modern lion ambulance has been deployed.
- Speed breakers and signboards have been installed on public roads passing through sanctuary areas.
- Continuous patrolling, including night patrolling, is conducted by field staff to prevent harm to lions and other wildlife. The staff has been provided with vehicles, weapons, walkie-talkies, and other necessary equipment.
- A rapid action team and a rescue team have been formed to handle wildlife emergencies. Additionally, joint patrolling is carried out by the Forest Department and PGVCL Department.
- Unprotected open wells are being secured by constructing parapet walls.
- Radio collaring is used to monitor lions.
- CCTV cameras have been installed at key checkpoints, and a high-tech monitoring unit has been established at Sasan.
- Chain-link fencing has been installed along the Rajula-Pipavav railway track to prevent accidents.