The Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) has partnered with Temple Connect to launch India’s first-ever postgraduate diploma course in Temple Management. The announcement in this regard was made on Wednesday. The MoU for this was signed by Giresh Kulkarni, founder of Temple Connect, in the presence of the university’s Vice-Chancellor, Suresh Gosavi, and Suresh Haware, a renowned nuclear scientist and author of Temple Management.
This six-month programme is designed to professionalise temple operations, equipping students with advanced skills and extensive knowledge of the economic, social and cultural aspects of managing temple ecosystems, said the SPPU administration. Admissions for this course begin from February 2025 onwards and the first batch will commence in Nashik campus of Pune University from June 2025 onwards.
The diploma comprises three months of in-person classroom training with over 20 interactive sessions and a three-month internship at various renowned temples. Students will gain relevant expertise in administrative duties, community engagement, spiritual stewardship, technology integration, sustainability and inclusivity – all within the context of managing sacred spaces. The faculty includes veteran professionals with substantial experience in temple operations,” the release stated.
Suresh Gosavi, the SPPU V-C said, “I am eager to see this course make a meaningful impact. It will be conducted under Pune University at the Nashik campus and stands as a vital initiative to empower the next generation of temple managers, not just across Maharashtra but also from various parts of the country who come here to study.”