Ahmedabad City Police arrested Pradhuman Vijendra Singh Chandrawat (25), son of former Madhya Pradesh MLA Vijendra Singh Chandrawat, for his alleged involvement in a chain-snatching case. The swift police action led to his capture within four days, and the stolen gold mangalsutra worth ₹1,25,000 was recovered along with the tool used in the crime.
On January 25, around 8.30 pm, Vasanthiben Iyer (65), a resident of Rajvi Tower, Memnagar, was returning home via Gurukul Road, Laxmi Ganthiyarath ni Gali, when an unknown thief approached her near the Solution Building. Using a metal cutter, the accused snatched her mangalsutra and fled the scene before she could react.
Following the victim’s complaint, the Ghatlodia police registered a case and launched an investigation.
The team Led by Senior Police Inspector J S Kandoriya analysed CCTV footage and technical evidence, which helped in identifying the suspect.
On January 29, at 6 pm, police arrested Pradhuman Vijendra Singh Chandrawat, a resident of Jayambenagar Society in Thaltej, Ahmedabad, originally from Malaheda village, Neemaj district of Madhya Pradesh. The stolen mangalsutra and the metal cutter used in the crime were seized during the arrest.
During interrogation, it was revealed that the accused is the son of former Madhya Pradesh MLA Vijendra Singh Chandrawat, raising concerns over criminal activities involving political figures’ relatives.