Amdavad Municipal Corporation (AMC) has recently launched a new multi-sports facility, beneath Hebatpur SIMS Railway Overbridge, near Science City. Launched on January 25, the facility offers sports, like box cricket, volleyball, table tennis, pickleball, chess, basketball, and more, at reasonable fees.
This initiative makes use of the often-underutilised space beneath overbridges, turning an overlooked area into a recreational hub for the public. The facility operates from 6 AM to 2 AM, and bookings can be made in person between 8 AM and 10 PM. Online booking will be available soon. The facility is open for those above 6 years of age.
chess, table tennis, and basketball academies will soon be set up here. Currently, the cost for box cricket is ₹700 per hour, and pickleball is ₹500 per hour. However, fees may change as the facility evolves and more services are introduced.
“This is AMC’s first project of this kind, and we’re excited to see how it’s shaping up,” said Samip Desai. “In just one week, 60-70 people have already used the facility, and we’re optimistic about seeing more of these centres coming up in the near future.”
Built at an estimated cost of ₹3.5 crore, the facility operates under a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model. The Hebatpur centre is just the start, with plans to launch similar sports hubs under seven other flyovers across the city, including locations like Dinesh Chamber, Rajendra Park, and Gujarat College. Two additional centres are expected to open along SG Highway near Palladium Mall and Kargil Junction, pending approval from the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI).
This new facility is an example of transforming unused urban spaces into recreational areas, providing Amdavadis with more opportunities for sports and fitness in the city.