The Gujarat University campus had a different feel on Tuesday, the first day of the visit by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) team which will assess GU for grading purpose. Decorative rangoli welcomed them, while a special battery-operated cart was arranged for their travel around the campus.
The team met with students, alumni and even a group of protestors to understand their grievances with the university.
GU staff members who were likely to meet the team wore designer blazers to make a professional impression. Sources indicated that around 300 such blazers were purchased.
During the meeting with students in the senate hall, the team inquired about campus safety, hostel facilities and the utility and functionality of women-centric committees like the Women Development Cell and the Internal Complaint Committee. Attendees reported that students also raised concerns about hostel infrastructure and limited Wi-Fi availability on campus. The team will be at GU for two more days before submitting a peer report to the university.