Self-styled godman Asaram, who has been granted bail by the Supreme Court as well as the Rajasthan High Court in two separate rape cases, on Tuesday arrived in Ahmedabad for his medical treatment, a spokesperson of his ashram said.
In view of the directives of the apex court as well as the high court, Asaram will not meet any of his followers during his bail period. His current location has also not been disclosed to anyone, the spokesperson of Asaram’s Motera ashram said.
“Asaram bapu has arrived in Ahmedabad for his treatment. He will consult his personal doctors who used to treat him in the past. Bapu is not at the Motera Ashram. He is currently at his residence in the city and will not meet any of his followers, who were also urged to honour the SC verdict,” he said.
The Supreme Court on January 7 granted interim bail to Asaram till March 31 in a case of rape registered by the police.
Later, the division bench of the Rajasthan High Court granted interim bail to Asaram in the Jodhpur rape case. As per the court’s decision, Asaram was released late on the night of January 14 from a private Ayurveda hospital there.