With the Kumbh Mela currently underway in Prayagraj, travel demand from Ahmedabad has surged. The recently launched Volvo bus service from Ahmedabad to Prayagraj by the Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation (GSRTC) has proven immensely popular, with all bookings for the next 30 days selling out within minutes of opening of online booking at GSRTC website.
The service, which is going to be commenced on January 27th, will be operated from the Ranip ST depot in Ahmedabad. Each bus (one daily) offers 47 seats. The high demand reflects the significance of the ongoing Kumbh Mela.
Devotees had hoped the Volvo service would provide an affordable and comfortable alternative to expensive flights and crowded trains. However, with the sudden sell-out, many are now left with limited options to travel to Prayagraj for the remainder of the Kumbh Mela.
It is understood that the government is planning to operate more buses and announcement for the same is likely soon.