As a large number of people from Gujarat are going to Mahakumbh, Western Railway has added four additional coaches each to three pairs of special trains of Ahmedabad division.
Train No. 09413 and 09414 Sabarmati-Banaras-Sabarmati Mahakumbh Mela Special trains will have two additional AC three-tier and two sleeper class coaches added from Sabarmati on 5, 9, 14 and 18 February and from Banaras on 6, 10, 15 and 19 February.
Train No. 09421 and 09422 Sabarmati-Banaras-Sabarmati Mahakumbh Mela Special trains will have two additional AC three-tier and two sleeper class coaches added from Sabarmati on January 26 and from Banaras on January 27.
Apart from this, Train No. 09403 and 09404 Ahmedabad-Jhangai-Ahmedabad Mahakumbh Mela Special trains will have two additional AC three-tier and two sleeper class coaches added from Ahmedabad on February 5, 14, 15, 18, 19 and 26 and from Jhangai on February 7, 16, 17, 20, 21 and 28.
For detailed information about the stoppage time and structure of the trains, passengers can visit