Ahmedabad has added another green space to its urban landscape with the inauguration of a new Oxygen Park in South Bopal. The park, developed by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model, was inaugurated on Tuesday by Chief Minister.
The new Oxygen Park boasts a variety of trees, plants, amenities, and natural diversity. Here are its key features:
Located in South Bopal, the park spans 1,900 square metres.
Features include gazebos for seating and well-maintained walking tracks.
Houses a variety of flowering plants and trees like White Champa, Mogra, Madhukamini, and Cassia Pink.
Also includes trees such as Coconut, Neem, Almond, Teak, Gulmohar, and Billipatra.
Developed as part of AMC’s Mission Million Trees, which planted 75 lakh trees in five years.
Aims to improve biodiversity, air quality, and citizens’ well-being.
The South Bopal park is one of 319 Oxygen Parks and Urban Forests developed by the AMC across Ahmedabad. These parks are spread across various zones, including 4 in the Central Zone, 84 in the Eastern Zone, 59 in the Northwestern Zone, 36 in the Northern Zone, 68 in the Southwestern Zone, 29 in the Southern Zone, and 43 in the Western Zone. In addition, Ahmedabad is home to 303 gardens, including vertical gardens and green spaces along the Sabarmati Riverfront.
The new Oxygen Park in South Bopal is a step forward in Ahmedabad’s green journey, providing residents with a serene space to unwind while contributing to the city’s ecological balance.