The Google Pixel 8 is currently available on Flipkart at its lowest-ever price –– under Rs 50,000. This offer is available on the 128GB variant of the phone. As per the listing on the e-commerce website, there is a flat discount of Rs 26,000 available, which brings the price of the Pixel 8 down to Rs 49,999. However, if you use an HDFC Bank credit card and buy the smartphone on EMI transactions, you can get an additional Rs 3,000 off on the phone’s purchase. Which means, the phone’s price comes down to Rs 46,999 effectively.
Additionally, there are exchange offers available up to Rs 35,000 that can further bring down the price of the phone. For instance, at the time of writing the story, we checked the exchange price for a Pixel 7 which is in good condition. For that, you can get up to Rs 13,365 in exchange. This means, if you do end up getting that amount at the time of exchange, the price of the phone eventually comes down to around Rs 33,000. In case you have an old smartphone that you do not have a use for, we recommend you format and factory reset your device, save any and all the data you need from it, and then consider an exchange. It is a great way to save some extra money on a phone purchase.
Notably, in August 2024, Google also officially announced a price cut for the Pixel 8 series and the Pixel 7a. The Pixel 8, in particular, received a considerable price drop. Its base variant with 128GB, which was launched in India at Rs 75,999 had a price revision to Rs 71,999. The 256GB model of the phone was earlier priced at Rs 82,999 and its price was brought down to Rs 77,999 after the price cut.
However, with the currently ongoing offer on Flipkart, the pricing of the Pixel 8 is even lower than that of the Pixel 8a after the price cut in August.
And if you are wondering if the Pixel 8 is still a good choice with the Pixel 9 launched last year, and the Pixel 10 series due for October 2025, we think the phone is still worth considering. In our review of the Pixel 8, we found that the device not only “looks good”, it also has a “fast processor, [and an] amazing camera”. At the time of our review, the only thing we thought that could hold back a purchase of the phone was its steep pricing. However, with the recent price cut and the current discount, the phone will be absolutely worth the money.