School charged Rs 39k for students for classes 1 to 8, while fee approved by FRC was Rs 30,800
The Ahmedabad City District T Education Officer (DEO), Rohit Chaudhari, has issued a notice to Sakar English School, in Chandkheda, for charging a fee in excess of the amount fixed by the Fee Regulation Committee.
The school charged Rs 39,000 for students for classes 1 to 8, while the fee approved by the committee was Rs 30,800. The issue came to light after several parents filed complaints with the DEO’s office regarding the discrepancy in fees. Following these complaints, a team from the DEO office conducted an investigation, which showed that the school had been charging an additional Rs 8,200 per student annually.
Schools are permitted to charge fees for two terms (six months) at a time. However, Sakar was found to have charged an extra Rs 4,000. It had also charged the fee for a third term in advance, which is against the rules.
In response, the DEO directed the school to immediately refund the excess fees