A bootlegger from Kubernagar has been found misusing an online delivery application to smuggle liquor into the city. The Ahmedabad Crime Branch seized 46 bottles of illicit liquor from two vehicles that were allegedly hired through the Porter app. The accused, identified as Honey Sindhi, has been declared wanted, and an investigation is underway.
The incident came to light when a team led by Ahmedabad Crime Branch received a tip-off during patrolling. The tip suggested that two goods vehicles, booked through the Porter app, were delivering liquor to Ambawadi in Kubernagar. Acting swiftly, the team intercepted the vehicles at the said location.
Upon questioning, the drivers revealed that they had been assigned to transport parcels from Shrinath Cargo in Piplaj to Kubernagar, Ambawadi. They were instructed to contact Honey Sindhi upon delivery. A search of the vehicles revealed four parcels containing 46 bottles of illicit liquor.
This case highlights the growing sophistication in liquor smuggling operations within the city. Bootleggers are reportedly adopting unconventional methods, including using logistics apps and even online food delivery platforms, to bypass restrictions and deliver alcohol to prohibited zones.
Following the seizure, the police registered a case against Honey Sindhi and declared him wanted. Efforts are ongoing to trace and apprehend the accused. Authorities have also initiated a broader probe into the network behind this operation, suspecting that similar methods are being used in other areas of the city.