In a shocking incident, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed by a robber inside his Mumbai residence late on Wednesday night. Hours after the attack, CNN-News18 accessed CCTV footage showing the suspect, whose face is clearly visible. The video captures the accused on the building’s staircase at 2:33 am on January 16, providing crucial leads for the investigation.
Following the incident, the actor’s team issued a statement confirming the attack and revealing that Khan underwent surgery at a hospital. They assured fans that the actor is now out of danger but remains hospitalized. The statement also urged media and fans to remain patient, emphasizing that it is a police matter, with further updates to follow.
Mumbai Police have intensified their efforts to apprehend the suspect. Multiple teams have been formed, and the Mumbai Crime Branch has deployed seven specialized units to expedite the investigation. During a press conference, officials revealed that the suspect gained entry to the building using the staircase.
A case has been registered at the Bandra Police Station, and authorities are pursuing all leads from the CCTV footage. Police remain confident of locating and apprehending the accused soon.