The Mumbai Police on Thursday said that the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan happened at around 2.30 am in his home on Thursday, adding that the attacker might have been present inside the actor’s home as the CCTV footage from two hours before the attack did not show anyone entering his housing society.
Speaking to the media, the police further added that in addition to Saif Ali Khan, a female member of his team was also stabbed at Saif’s Bandra home. She was also admitted to a hospital and her condition was stable, police said.
“At around 3 am we received the information that actor Saif Ali Khan had been attacked in his home. Upon reaching the input, a police team, including senior officials, reached the spot. He was admitted to Lilavati Hospital, where he is undergoing treatment,” the local area’s Deputy Commissioner of Police, Dixit Gedam, said while speaking to the media on the issue.
Police sources told India Today TV that there is a duct in Saif Ali Khan’s home that opens in his bedroom and the suspect might have entered his home from there.
According to sources, at least eight teams have been constituted by the police to arrest the accused and to probe the incident from all angles.Police suspect the attacker was inside Saif Ali Khan’s society.
There was renovation work going on in Saif Ali Khan’s housing society and the labourers involved in the work have also been questioned by the Mumbai Police, sources said.
Five members of Saif Ali Khan’s staff are being questioned for additional details by the Mumbai Police, sources said. According to the police, the security guard of the residential society did not see anyone entering society.
After the attack on the Bollywood actor, a forensic team of the Mumbai Police reached the spot and collected all the evidence from the spot, Gedam added. Visuals from the spot also showed Mumbai Police officials recording the statements of the locals after the attack.
On being asked if there was a robbery attempt at the actor’s house by the intruder, a senior police official did not elaborate and said an investigation was on.