Three police personnel have been suspended in Amreli after a woman, arrested for allegedly trying to defame local BJP MLA Kaushik Vekariya, claimed she was assaulted in custody, police stated Monday. However, the woman’s lawyer claimed that only “lower rank personnel” were targeted in the police action.
The Patidar woman, meanwhile, met Gujarat DGP Vikas Sahay Monday seeking an investigation against the police officers under whose direction she was allegedly “paraded” in public for “crime reconstruction” on December 29. The 25-year-old computer operator from Amreli also alleged custodial torture in a 19-page letter to the Gujarat police chief.
This came a day after the DGP handed over the investigation into the actions of the Amreli Police to Nirlipt Rai, the DIG of the State Monitoring Cell (SMC) that works directly under his orders. The suspension order of Amreli district head constable Kishan Ansodariya, constable Vanraj Mulyasiya and woman constable Heena Mevada were also issued the same day.