The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), in its daily weather forecast, has predicted the possibility of light rainfall in parts of North Gujarat over the next 24 hours. According to the IMD bulletin, “Light rain/thundershowers very likely at isolated places in the districts of North Gujarat region namely Banaskantha, Sabarkantha and Aravalli”, until 8:30 am on Sunday morning.
Other parts of Gujarat are likely to remain dry. As of now, there is no forecast of rain during the upcoming week, which includes Makar Sankranti, or Uttarayan, on Tuesday, January 14.
As per the IMD bulletin, the synoptic situation indicates that an induced cyclonic circulation currently lies over west Rajasthan and its neighboring areas, extending up to 1.5 km above mean sea level. Additionally, a trough extends from this cyclonic circulation over west Rajasthan to the northeast Arabian Sea at the same altitude.