Quick commerce platform Blinkit, owned by Zomato, has upped its 10-minute delivery game amid rising competition in the space. Taking to social media to make the announcement, CEO Albinder Dhindsa said that the company’s latest round of offerings for quick delivery is electronics — ranging from laptops, to monitors, and printers. The service will be available to residents of metro cities.
“You can now get laptops, monitors, printers and more delivered in 10 minutes! We’re expanding our electronics range to cover more use cases and have partnered up with leading brands in this category,” Dhindsa wrote on X (formerly known as Twitter).
The What and How
He added that the platform will now deliver laptops from HP; monitors from Lenovo, Zebronics and MSI; and printers from Canon and HP to those living in Delhi NCR, Pune, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Kolkata and Lucknow.
Most of these will be delivered by our large order fleet. We’ll be adding a lot more brands and their products very soon,” he added.
On January 8, food aggregator platform and Blinkit’s parent Zomato also got into the quick delivery space. It now allows a new quick delivery option to customers through a ‘15 mins delivery’ tab in the app’s Explore section, providing a list of food options.
The moves by Zomato and Blinkit come a month after rival Swiggy launched 10-minute food delivery app ‘Bolt’ and said it would expand the business to key markets in Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities and towns.
The Bolt business allows users to order food in 10 minutes from popular restaurants and QSRs (quick-service restaurants), Swiggy said in an official statement. It initially launched the service in six cities — Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Mumbai, and Pune.
In December, Blinkit, launched its new food delivery app called Bistro, close on the heels of the official app launch of competitor Zepto Cafe app. While both Bistro and Zepto Cafe aim to deliver snacks, meals and beverages in just 10 minutes, the former has gone the cloud kitchen route while Zepto is looking to open physical restaurants.