A routine police patrol in Anandnagar area of Ahmedabad turned confrontational on the evening of January 6, when four individuals in a white Maruti Eeco car allegedly obstructed officers in the discharge of their duties. The incident occurred near Makarba Gate around 5.30 pm, prompting Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Premila Ramji of the Anandnagar police station to file a formal complaint.
According to the police, ASI Ramji and two women constables were conducting routine patrols when the accused began tailing their vehicle. The individuals reportedly drove recklessly, overtaking the police vehicle multiple times before intentionally blocking its path.
The accused were identified as Abhishek Kumar Pawan Kumar (24), Arjun Kumar Pawan Kumar (21), Sandeep Bukhram Sen (30), and Sunil Kumar Amilal Yadav (35), all residents of Vejalpur and natives of Haryana.
Provocation and escalation
The complaint detailed how the accused verbally harassed the officers, making provocative remarks such as, “Why don’t you give way? Is this your father’s road?” The altercation intensified when the accused exited their vehicle and confronted the police aggressively, parking their car horizontally to block the road.
Upon receiving a distress call from the team, additional police personnel arrived promptly and detained the accused. A case has been registered under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including those for obstructing public servants in the discharge of their duties and other related offences.
Police officials emphasised the gravity of the situation, stating, “Such acts of aggression and obstruction are unacceptable and will be dealt with strictly under the law. All four individuals are currently in custody, and further investigation is underway.”
Authorities are also probing the incident to determine whether the accused has links to any prior offences.