Union Minister Nitin Gadkari on Tuesday announced a fresh scheme which will provide cashless treatment to road accident victims. The scheme will cover medical expenses for up to seven days or a maximum of Rs 1.5 lakh, provided the accident is reported to the police within 24 hours.
For hit-and-run cases resulting in death, the deceased’s immediate family will receive Rs 2 lakh as compensation. Speaking at a press conference in New Delhi, Gadkari informed that the scheme was initially piloted in a few selected states, where some challenges were identified. Based on the findings, the government is refining the scheme to ensure it is more effective and beneficial for victims and their families.
During the press briefing, Gadkari also highlighted road safety as a top priority. In 2024, 1.8 lakh people lost their lives in road accidents across India. Among these, around 30,000 deaths were due to the non-use of helmets.
Another concerning statistic is that 66% of fatal accident victims were between 18 and 34 years old. Additionally, faulty entry and exit points near schools and colleges led to the deaths of 10,000 children. In fact, accidents involving drivers without valid licenses accounted for around 3,000 fatalities last year. Gadkari also pointed out a significant shortage of trained drivers, with the country lacking approximately 22 lakh drivers.
To address this, the government has introduced a new policy to establish more driving training centres and improve the availability of skilled drivers. The aim is to reduce accidents and enhance overall road safety across India.
Gadkari also listed out the advantages of scrapping old vehicles, explaining how it could revitalise the automobile industry and support a circular economy by recycling materials such as aluminum, copper, steel, and plastic.