After reports emerged that Bengaluru has recorded its first case of Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) in an eight-month-old baby, diagnosed at Baptist Hospital, the Gujarat government has issued an advisory of DOs & DON’Ts regarding the virus.
The Karnataka health department clarified that, while the sample was not tested in its own laboratories, it trusts the findings of the private hospital. This case is the first reported instance of HMPV in India.
The advisory by the Health & Family Welfare Department of the Gujarat government states:
Regarding the outbreak of Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) in China, various electronic and print media have published reports. The DGHS, NCDC, MoH&FW, and the Government of India issued a statement on 03/01/2025 stating that Metapneumovirus (HMPV) is similar to other respiratory viruses. It is commonly seen during winter, particularly affecting young children and the elderly, with symptoms like a common cold and flu.
Currently, no cases of Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) have been reported in Gujarat.
The Health Department has analyzed the data on respiratory infectious diseases in the state and found no significant increase in cases in December 2024 compared to December 2023.
The Department of Health and Family Welfare urges citizens to follow the “Do’s and Don’ts” to prevent respiratory infections.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or tissue when coughing or sneezing.
- Wash hands regularly with soap and water or use sanitizer.
- Avoid crowded places and maintain at least an arm’s length distance from individuals with flu symptoms.
- Avoid visiting public places if you have fever, cough, or sneezing.
- Drink plenty of water and consume a nutritious diet.
- Get adequate sleep to strengthen immunity.
- Stay in well-ventilated environments to prevent disease spread.
- If respiratory symptoms appear, stay at home, limit contact with others, and consult the nearest government hospital immediately.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth unnecessarily.
- Ensure personal items like towels, handkerchiefs, or utensils used by an infected person are not shared or touched by others.
- Do not self-medicate. Consult a healthcare worker if symptoms worsen.
Do not panic; precaution is safety. Strictly adhere to these guidelines.