The Ahmedabad City Crime Branch arrested Rajesh alias Rajan Upadhyay, the prime accused in the heinous double murder of his mother and sister in Basti district of Uttar Pradesh, from Ahmedabad. The arrest comes after a meticulous investigation into the case, which involved a brutal conspiracy to claim ancestral property.
The murders occurred on the night of December 3, 2024, in Setha village under the Kaptanganj police station in Basti district. According to the Crime Branch, Rajan, along with co-accused Kamlesh Kumar, Kaushal Chandra, Karunakar alias Lallan, Shanti Devi, Ranjana, and Shilpa, conspired to murder Godavari Devi (Rajan’s mother) and Soumya (his sister). The group executed their plan by burning the victims alive in their home.
Ahmedabad Crime Branch Police Inspector Dipak Dhola said, “The accused was arrested from the Narol area of Ahmedabad. We received information that he was searching for a job in the area, and acting on this tip-off, we apprehended him. Further investigation revealed that the accused had fled to Mumbai and then to Surat before arriving in Ahmedabad.”
The property dispute revolved around a will left by Avadhesh, the late father of Rajan and Soumya. The will allocated 20 bighas of land to Godavari Devi and Soumya, while Rajan and his brother Karunakar received only 1.5 bighas each. Dissatisfied with the distribution, the accused allegedly devised a plan to eliminate Godavari Devi and Soumya to claim the entire property.
The investigation revealed that the accused had made multiple attempts to harm the victims before the fatal incident. On November 20, 2024, Karunakar reportedly borrowed ₹3,50,000 from a plastic company and travelled to Setha village to escalate the dispute. Arguments ensued between the victims and the accused during this period.
On the night of December 3, the accused executed their gruesome plan. Karunakar attacked Godavari Devi with a brick and strangled her, while Rajan allegedly assaulted and strangled Soumya. The two victims were then dragged into their room, placed on a bed, and set on fire using a quilt and matchstick to destroy evidence.
The arrested suspect, Rajan alias Rajesh, is a resident of Setha village in Basti district. He played a critical role in planning and executing the crime. Karunakar, another key conspirator, was also identified as instrumental in the murders. The Crime Branch stated that the accused even attempted to hire a contract killer but failed due to financial disagreements.
The case, initially registered at Kaptanganj Police Station under various sections of the Indian Penal Code. The Ahmedabad Crime Branch has taken the arrested accused into custody and will soon hand him over to Kaptanganj police for further legal action.
The arrest was a result of coordinated efforts by the Crime Branch, which had announced a ₹50,000 reward for information leading to the apprehension of the accused.
The incident has drawn widespread attention, highlighting the deadly consequences of property disputes within families. Police investigations are ongoing, with efforts underway to apprehend the remaining accused.