A man who posed as a government official was arrested by police in Maninagar, Ahmedabad on Friday. The accused, Kiritkumar Babubhai Amin (36), of Haldar village in Malpur, Aravalli district, was found carrying fake identity cards of the police and revenue departments. Along with the counterfeit documents, a Honda Activa scooter and a mobile phone were recovered, allegedly used to defraud unsuspecting citizens.
Arrest and Investigation
According to police officials, the Surveillance Squad acted on a tip-off and arrested the suspect near Maninagar Railway Station. Kiritkumar, who had been staying at a local hotel, was nabbed with counterfeit IDs. Investigations revealed that he had been using his fake credentials to intimidate and extort money from locals.
Two fake police identity cards, including one of a PSI (Police Sub-Inspector).
A counterfeit identity card of the Revenue department showed him as Deputy Mamlatdar.
A Vivo mobile phone, valued at ₹10,000
A Honda Activa scooter, worth ₹15,000
Upon interrogation, Kiritkumar admitted to fabricating the fake documents to impersonate a police officer and gain undue advantages. He confessed that he was unemployed and used the false identities to earn respect and manipulate people into giving him money.
The investigation also revealed that Kiritkumar had a history of similar offences. Digital verification through the ‘Pocket Cop’ application confirmed his prior involvement in cases of impersonation and fraud.
Charges and further action
The accused has been charged under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), including forgery, impersonation, and criminal intent. All counterfeit documents and items recovered from him have been confiscated for further investigation.
A senior police officer leading the investigation stated, “This case highlights the importance of public vigilance. Criminals like the accused exploit fake identities to deceive and harm innocent citizens. We urge the public to report any suspicious activities immediately.”
Kiritkumar remains in custody as authorities probe whether he had accomplices or was involved in a broader network of fraudulent activities. The investigation is ongoing, and officials are determined to uncover the full extent of his crimes.