Jewellery worth ₹73 lakh was stolen in the daring daylight robbery when four armed men looted a jewellery shop in South Bopal, Ahmedabad. The incident took place at Kanakpura Jewellers on Gymkhana Road around 3.45 pm on Tuesday. The robbers held shop owner Bharat Soni and his staff at gunpoint before fleeing with the loot.
The robbers entered the shop wearing helmets with their faces covered to avoid identification. CCTV footage reveals the heist lasted only 7 to 8 minutes, during which the culprits made away with nearly 20 to 30 per cent of the displayed gold and silver ornaments. They then fled the scene on two-wheelers. CCTV grabs however have captured one of the suspects who was holding the helmet in his hand and walking outside and keeping a watch over the proceedings.
7 kg of gold secured
Fortunately for the shop owner, approximately 7 kilograms of gold was securely locked in a drawer beneath the display items, escaping the robbers’ attention and preventing even greater losses.
Police investigations suggest the robbers strategically parked their two-wheelers at a construction site a few blocks away to facilitate their escape. Officials have since retrieved crucial evidence, including a helmet left behind at the site, and have identified the number plates of the getaway vehicles, which are now being traced.
Four teams to nab accused
Ahmedabad Rural SP Om Prakash Jat has confirmed the formation of four specialised teams to apprehend the culprits. These teams are employing CCTV footage, sniffer dogs, and human intelligence to follow leads.
“Our team has managed to identify the vehicles used in the crime, and we are closing in on the suspects,” said SP Jat. “The robbers appeared to have planned the heist meticulously, but with the evidence we have gathered, we are confident of capturing them soon.”
The robbery carried out in broad daylight on a busy public road, has sparked widespread alarm among residents and business owners in South Bopal, a rapidly developing area. Many have called for increased police patrolling and stricter security measures to prevent such incidents in the future.
Jewellery store owner Bharat Soni shared his distress, “We were terrified as they pointed guns at us. Losing such a significant amount of jewellery is devastating, but the fact that it happened in broad daylight is even more troubling.”
As investigations continue, the public eagerly awaits the resolution of the case, hoping for swift action to restore their confidence in law enforcement and safety in the area.