Minister of Home Affairs Amit Shah on Friday inaugurated 30 new Anupam (Smart) primary schools, established at a cost of Rs 36.44 crore, on Friday.
With a view to building a smart school in every ward, the Municipal School Board has taken a step towards enhancing educational opportunities for underprivileged children. Currently, 29 smart schools in the city have been imparting education to 18,835 underprivileged children.
The city now has 59 smart school campuses, collectively benefiting 28,832 children. These schools are equipped with modern educational tools, including working models of science and mathematics, math-science laboratories, future classrooms, smart boards and 3D innovative walls featuring educational charts.
These facilities aim to provide students with a technologically advanced education.
Currently, 1.66 lakh poor and middle-class children study at 449 municipal schools in Gujarati, Hindi, English, and Urdu.