Punjab CM Bhagwant Singh Mann and wife Dr Gurpreet Kaur welcome a daughter. Mann urged against sex determination tests, emphasizing gender surprise.
“God has given the gift of a daughter. Both mother and the child are healthy,” Mann shared in a message in Punjabi on X.
Dr Gurpreet Kaur was admitted to Fortis Hospital in Mohali on Wednesday. Mann arrived at the hospital on Thursday morning and left around 12.15pm.
Mann had married Dr Gurpreet Kaur on July 6, 2022, in Chandigarh, four months after taking oath as the chief minister of Punjab on March 16, 2022.
This is Mann’s third child as he has a son and a daughter from his previous marriage to Inderpreet Kaur. He divorced Inderpreet in 2015 and she along with the children, Seerat, 23, and Dilshan, 19, are based in the US.
During his Republic Day address in Ludhiana, Mann took the gathering by surprise when he announced that he and his wife were expecting a baby in March. He urged people not to get sex determination tests done, saying: “I am also expecting a bundle of joy in my home in March. My wife is seven months pregnant. We’ve consciously chosen not to discover the gender and won’t do so in the future either. I urge everyone to avoid such practices.”