A 73-year-old man from Ahmedabad was rescued from the clutches of abductors on Dec 12 by the Navsari police who acted on a timely intel. The four accused were history sheeters who had kidnapped the senior citizen over monetary disputes on Dec 10.
A gang of four had abducted Vrajlal Koesha, a resident of Surendranagar, from Ahmedabad on Dec 10 and assaulted him on the highway.
DS Korat, police inspector (PI) of Navsari’s local crime branch (LCB) had informed the Vansda police of the kidnapping.
Korat informed the local police that the kidnappers were travelling in a car with a number plate from Maharashtra and were suspected to be on the Vansda-Waghai highway.
Vansda’s police sub-inspector (PSI) JV Chavda, PSI MD Gamit, and their team barricaded the highway. Later, the police spotted a suspicious grey Ford EcoSport (MH12MB7616) and upon searching it, they found the abducted man with the four perpetrators.
As per the police records, the kidnappers have been identified as Uday Patil, Manoj Patil, Sagar Patel and Kevin Patel. All the four have been taken to Vansda police station.
Manoj, Sagar, and Kevin are from Navsari, while Uday is from Nashik in Maharashtra.
The four kidnappers were then transferred to Surendranagar’s A division police station, while Koesha was taken to a hospital for medical treatment.
The three accused in this case, Manoj, Sagar, and Kevin, have been booked in separate cases by Navsari, Valsad, and Surat police in the past over serious charges of murder, attempt to murder, atrocity, kidnapping, and rioting, as well as around 15 offences under the Prohibition Act. The three are currently out on bail.