landscape, liberal arts education is more important and useful for one’s employment than ever before. The enhancement of critical and creative thinking, the capacity to exercise one’s imagination, and cultivating subjective ways of thinking about social realities are some of the greatest benefits of providing liberal arts education to our engineers so that they can create technologies that enhance lives, design sustainable solutions, and communicate their ideas persuasively.”

On this occasion, Prof Rajat Moona, Director, IITGN, recalled and acknowledged the support extended by all the stakeholders in the early years of IITGN that has made the Institute reach where it is today. He said, “15 years back, a new era was born when IITGN was established. The entire journey of this Institute has been remarkable and has culminated in such a way that today we can talk of IITGN as an example to others. Our education is inclusive and student-oriented. And as Prof Sudhir Jain had once envisioned in one of his Foundation Programme speeches, that time has already started for IITGN when students join the Institute by choice rather than by the compulsion of their scores. IITGN takes pride in ensuring that our students grow not only to be engineers but also sensible human beings.”
Prof Rajat Moona unveiled a calendar with iconic images of the IITGN campus that take its users down the memory lane. The event also included an exhibition gallery that highlighted the transformation and growth of the Institute over the last fifteen years through an interesting display of posters, photographs, and rangolis. The student cultural council of IITGN and its clubs organised various other activities for the community, including competitions for short stories, slam poetry, art, and meme-making. The evening ended with enthralling dance, musical, and theatrical performances presented by students as well as faculty and staff members of IITGN.