Libraries are of many types like reading library, journals library, phonographs library, pictorial library and audio-visual library but in Ahmedabad Sari library has been prepared. this saree library is run by women and other women are given occasional beautiful sarees to wear.
Sarees are provided free of charge by this organization for women to wear. sarees of different varieties are available in this establishment starting from 500 rupees and up to 20 thousand rupees. which any woman can carry for occasional wear.
This library is being managed by around 50 women of Bharat Vikas Parishad. Women executives say that many women are taking advantage of this new experiment. because, this style fulfills their desire to wear expensive sarees. also they can afford to wear trendy expensive sarees frequently.
Women can wear expensive sarees of their choice according to the occasion at home and according to the festival from the facility of this library. if there is an auspicious event at home in such a time of inflation, a saree from here saves the financial budget.
Many times women buy very expensive sarees for an auspicious occasion and then after wearing this saree two or three times they don’t use it and then when the occasion comes again they buy new patent clothes. .
These sarees, which are very well preserved in a cupboard in the library, are donated to this organization by different women. a beautiful library has been created by collecting these sarees. People from every class of society and from any family can come and take this cloth. women are given sarees on without charging a single rupee.