On Wednesday, a 45-year-old man in Ahmedabad attempted suicide at the double-decker flyover at CTM crossroads, the fifth such incident at the same location in 45 days. Similarly, the Ahmedabad Fire and Emergency Services (AFES) River Rescue team recovered the body of a 25 to 30-year-old man who committed suicide by jumping into the Sabarmati River the same day. This is the second riverfront incident in as many days.
The domino effect
Suicide attempts in public, according to experts, trigger other vulnerable people who witness the tragedies unfold. This is exacerbated further by repeated media and social media exposure. Furthermore, multiple suicide bids from a single spot make it vulnerable to additional bids in the future. Suicide attempts at the CTM flyover are a sad testament to this.
The Narmada Model will be implemented throughout Gujarat.
On March 18, the Gujarat Police issued a circular to all Commissioners and Superintendents of Police, instructing them to install Jeevan Aastha helpline signboards with the toll free number (1800 233 3330) at all Canals, Riverfronts, schools, colleges, and other public spaces as part of the Suraksha Setu programme.
Notably, the Jeevan Aastha helpline, in the last 8 years, successfully counselled 322 people to step back from the edge of the Narmada Canal, thus saving their lives. They further convinced 217 people for follow-up counselling.
DGP Anil Pratham, chief of Police Reforms in Gujarat, who issued the circular, told Mirror, “We have asked all CPs and SPs to set up signboards at vulnerable spots in areas under their jurisdiction. Funds for expansion of the Jeevan Aastha helpline for more infrastructure and manpower have also been approved.”
Fifth Suicide Bid at CTM in 45 days
The GVK-EMRI ambulance team of paramedic Vikramsinh Chauhan and Pilot Akram Saiyyad responded to a call that a man had jumped from the CTM flyover around 3:30 a.m. on Wednesday. The team rushed to the location of the badly injured 38-year-old man, who was still conscious and had severe head and body injuries, multiple bone fractures, and internal bleeding. He was taken to LG Hospital. Later, he was transferred to Ahmedabad Civil Hospital.
The double-decker CTM flyover has become a highly vulnerable spot that has seen five suicide attempts in the last 45 days. Since February 6, 2023, two women have died in such attempts at suicide, one minor boy was rescued by passersby, one young woman survived with life-altering injuries.
47 dead in Sabarmati in 81 Days
On Wednesday, the River Rescue team of AFES discovered and retrieved the body of a 25-30 year old man. The Riverfront East police station has been unable to identify the deceased. The body was discovered floating in a mostly public area near the riverfront garden at Gate 3. On Tuesday, the body of a 22-year-old woman was discovered, and she, too, remains unidentified. This year, 47 people died and 11 were rescued from the Sabarmati River between January 1 and March 22.
Suicide helpline
Suicide prevention helpline Jeevan Aastha’s toll free number (1800 233 3330) is displayed prominently at all canals, riverfronts, schools, colleges and other public spaces, under the Suraksha Setu programme.