Daniya Godil, a teen from Gujarat, beat B Varnica, a teen from Tamil Nadu, 3-2 in a nail-biting The 84th Inter-state Sub Junior and Cadet National TT Championship, which is currently taking place in Alappuzha, Kerala, has a quarterfinal match.
Gujarat’s first medal in the competition was secured by this victory by the No. 13 seed. Her first-ever national medal will be this one.
Daniya, 10, had a strong start to her campaign when she defeated UP’s Ankisha Mishra 3-0 in the round of 32. In the round of eight, C Ishita of Surat put up a fight, but the Surat girl won in a nail-biting 3-2 decision.
Gujarat’s under-15 girls team was eliminated from the team competition after losing to Maharashtra, 1-3, in the quarterfinals.