The Ahmedabad crime branch police arrested a 33-year-old man on Tuesday with over 200 grammes of mephedrone worth Rs 22.42 lakh near the Vatva Bibi Talav area in Ahmedabad, police said on Wednesday.
“Mehfooz alias Munna ac walla Abdul Majid Sheikh, 33, was caught near the Vatva Bibi talav by our team on a prior information with 222.94 grams of mephedrone worth Rs 22.42 lakh,” AD Parmar, the crime branch police station’s inspector, told media on Wednesday.
Sheikh, who is into air-conditioning repair work and a native of Uttar Pradesh’s Pratapgarh, is an Ahmedabad resident since 2007. Sheikh was in contact with Feroz Khan Pathan, who is in the Sabarmati jail in a drug case of December 2022. Pathan gave Sheikh mephedrone in semi-liquid form three months ago to dry. The drug was supposed to be returned once it had dried. Sheikh also used to use the drug near Vatva Lake and used to give the ‘dose’ away for free. He’d been at it for six months. He was even involved in the drug’s sale since then,” Parmar added. Police are yet to find from where Pathan acquired the drug, he added.