Kubbra Sait is a total fashionista. The actor continues to crush fashion goals like a pro, posting snippets from her fashion diaries on her Instagram account regular. Kubbra’s fashion diaries are minimal, stunning, and comfortable, whether it’s a sleek gown to slay date night fashion goals or a casual ensemble that perfectly captures the essence of chilling at home on a lazy afternoon. The actor follows a simple fashion mantra: perfectly and effortlessly blend style and comfort. Kubbra continues to drop major fashion goals for her fans to follow with sneak peeks from her fashion photoshoots.
Kubbra gave us some serious chilling goals a day ago when she shared a photo of herself from her stay’s balcony. The actor recently flew to Udaipur for a vacation, and her Instagram is filled with photos from her time there. Kubbra banished our midweek blues a day ago with a photo of herself smiling away on a lazy morning by her balcony in Udaipur. Kubbra chose a white oversized shirt and posed for the photo to start the morning on a positive note. The shirt’s folded sleeves and collars gave the actor a more serious chilling vibe. Kubbra also shared a photo of herself sitting on a blue silk cushion. “When you get a silk cushion for your ass… when you should be using it for your curly hair instead. Smile anyway,” actor wrote in caption.
Kubbra posed for the photo with open curly tresses and a dewy hairdo, smiling heartily. She sat in a chair, smiling at the camera. The actor nailed the fresh morning look while wearing no makeup. Kubbra improved our mornings with drawn brows, contoured cheeks, and a shade of nude lipstick.