Actress Kajal Aggarwal, who is in the family way, has penned an emotional post to her husband Gautam Kitchlu, to not just thank him for his love and care during her pregnancy, but to also let him know what an amazing father he will make.
Taking to Instagram, the actress on Thursday wrote, “Dear Husband, Thank you for being the greatest husband + to-be-dad a girl could ask for. Thank you for being so selfless, for waking up with me almost every night while I had morning’ sickness, for camping out on the couch with me for weeks because it was the most comfy place for me to sleep, for immediately texting the doctor and taking me to mom’s house to put my legs up during the Brampton hicks contractions and never hesitating or Making me feel bad, for always making sure I’m well fed, well hydrated and comfortable, for taking care of me and lastly for loving me through it all”.
“Before our sweet baby comes, I want you to know how wonderful you are and that you will be an amazing father as well ! “In the past eight months, I have watched you become the most loving dad. I know how in love with this baby you are and how much you care Already- it makes me feel so lucky that our baby will have a father who loves unconditionally, be there no matter what and have an extraordinary role model to look up to.