In yet another shocking incident, a 34-year-old man filed a complaint with cyber-crime police on Wednesday, alleging that cyber crooks shared lewd pictures of his wife and threatened him because he could not repay the money he borrowed.
The complaint was filed by a man who owns a garments business and lives in Ahmedabad’s Behrampura neighbourhood.
According to the businessman’s FIR, on December 28, 2021, he got a loan through an app on the recommendation of a friend to deal with financial problems after COVID-19. He initially downloaded the app and requested a loan of Rs 6,000, which he received for roughly Rs 3,480 after different fees were deducted. He gave back Rs 6,000 about a week later, he stated in the FIR.
He allegedly took loans from 14 similar applications totaling Rs 1.20 lakh, which he repaid in January. However, even after he had paid the money, he continued to receive calls from other recovery agents.
Not only did he get such calls, but his phone’s contact list began to receive threatening calls as well.
The cybercriminals allegedly took a picture of his wife and altered it into something obscene, according to the complainant. The lewd photo was emailed to the complainant first, then to his family on his contact list.
The complainant reported the cybercriminals to the police after they continued to harass him and his family.