The sports fields of the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) were all charged up with team spirit over the weekend as the Institute organised the sixth edition of Disha Cup, the annual cricket tournament for its outsourced workforce, from March 11 to 13, 2022.
Looking at the enthusiastic participation by the support staff year after year, this time, the Institute also introduced a volleyball tournament to the event.
The opening ceremony was held in the presence of Prof D P Roy, a Senior Visiting Faculty at IITGN.
A total of 220 support staff of the Institute, including security guards, maintenance staff, mess workers, office boys, housekeeping staff, drivers, horticulture staff, groundsmen, hostel facility staff, shop employees, and laundry staff, participated and competed with each other for the tournament cups.
The 160 participants for cricket were divided into ten teams, while 60 players for volleyball were divided into five teams. The cricket tournament was won by Swachhata Team by 8 runs, and the winner trophy for volleyball tournament was bagged by Rangmanch Team by 2-0 points.
Disha Cup tournament is an initiative of the Physical Education Section of IITGN to encourage sportsmanship, inculcate team spirit, and healthy competition among the participants while shaping their personality and hidden talents. It is planned in such a way that it does not disturb the support staff’s routine and regular job.
This tournament serves as a platform for service providers to display their skills in sports and enhance their overall fitness.