The Gujarat government disclosed during the ongoing budget session of the assembly on Thursday that the state saw over five rapes per day in the last two years, with over 60 cases of gang rape during 2020 and 2021.
During the two years, the Gujarat police registered 3,857 rape cases.
In response to a series of questions from Congress legislators, the Minister of State (MoS), Home, Harsh Sanghavi informed the House that during the period of two years a total of 3,857 cases of rape were registered, including 61 cases of gang rape.
The maximum cases were registered in the financial capital of Gujarat, Ahmedabad – 729, followed by 508 in Surat, Vadodara- 183, Chhota Udaipur- 175, Kutch- 166, Rajkot -145. The minister said that out of the 61 gang rapes, the maximum were registered in Ahmedabad 16, 7 were registered in Rajkot, 5 in Surat and 4 each in Vadodara, Bhavnagar and Kutch.
In the last two years, the Gujarat government reported an average of 20 suicides, 25 thefts, five kidnappings, and two murders per day.
Harsh Sanghavi, Minister of State (MoS), Home, stated that in the two calendar years 2020 and 2021, 1,893 murders, 1,679 attempted murders, 3,911 abductions, and over 15,000 suicides were reported in various parts of the state.
In addition, there were 18,658 thefts and 1,024 loot incidents reported. He revealed that while Surat district had the highest number of murders (308), Ahmedabad had the highest number of loot (288) and theft (5,343).
In the last two years, Ahmedabad has seen the most kidnapping cases, with 536.